Undergraduate Individual Study Abroad

Students are encouraged to experiment with the painting process, including the use of different grounds. We do not favour any one approach to painting and we encourage students to discover and develop their personal artistic standing as painters.
Advanced and Independent Study Painting students have the option of declaring an emphasis in their course and to have it represented on their transcript.
Approved emphases are: Figurative Painting; Abstract Painting; Narrative Painting; and Painting and Ecological Engagement and Landscape Painting. Students wishing another emphasis to be identified on their transcript may apply for approval at the time of registration.
These courses satisfy both the major and elective requirements for studio practice.
BCAPA2 Intermediate Painting (Tutorial Course)
This course enables students to develop traditional or experimental approaches to painting in any medium(s) of the student’s choice. Students are encouraged to investigate concepts in painting and the expression of painterly ideas within a contemporary context. Students are encouraged to extend and broaden their experience of techniques including experimentation with materials through assignments and projects.
BCAPA5 Advanced Painting (Tutorial Course)
Students on this course already have a good working knowledge of traditional or experimental painting skills in one or more painterly mediums, and have a willingness to experiment with both techniques and materials in a contemporary idiom.
BCAPA7 Independent Study Painting (Tutorial Course)
Students on this course should already have a good working knowledge of traditional or experimental painting skills in one or more painterly mediums. They should demonstrate willingness to experiment with both techniques and materials in a contemporary idiom, and be able to work in an independent and self-motivated fashion. Students should propose a specific topic for a body of work which they intend to complete during the course of the semester, and this is discussed with the tutor prior to approval.