Undergraduate Individual Study Abroad

Drawing is indispensable to learning how to see and how to think visually. It can be a mode of representing the world, a way of developing ideas, and it can be studied as an art form in its own right. We teach drawing to assist students to observe and investigate the world, to enrich their visual thinking and to express ideas in ways possible through no other medium.

Students choose which orientation in drawing is most suited to them and develop their ideas and skills in consultation with faculty.


Students may propose an emphasis at Advanced or Independent levels. Emphases on Drawing and Environmental or Ecological Engagement are particularly welcomed. These courses satisfy both the major and elective requirements for studio practice.

BCADR 2 Intermediate Drawing (Tutorial Course)

This course enables students to develop traditional drawing skills while being encouraged to investigate concepts in drawing within a contemporary context. Students are also encouraged to extend and broaden their experience of experimentation with both materials and techniques through set assignments and projects.

BCADR 3 Advanced Drawing (Tutorial Course)

Students on this course already have a good working knowledge of traditional drawing skills and a willingness to experiment with both techniques and materials in a contemporary fashion. Students should be at the stage where they are starting to work in a self motivated fashion, generating their own ideas in conjunction with the tutor.

BCADR 5 Independent Study Drawing (Tutorial Course)

Students on this course have a good working knowledge of drawing and can work in an independent and self-motivated fashion. Students should propose a specific topic for a body of work which they intend to complete during the course of the semester, and this is discussed with the tutor prior to approval.

BCADR 6 Life Drawing (Group Course)

This group course is for both intermediate and advanced students. The primary focus is on observation and analytical representation of the human figure, and students are encouraged to consider different approaches to drawing. Experimentation is also encouraged and students are helped to consider the place of the figure within contemporary art practice.